The Magnolia ISD recognized the Magnolia Rotary Club for its project to construct a Pollinator Garden at Magnolia High School earlier this year.  Its purpose was no only provide for local pollinators but an outdoor laboratory for the district's science department's teachers and students.  Educational materials for use by the science teachers and students was also provided.
After several weeks of consulting with school staff, construction on the new garden began Saturday, Feb. 18, with the help of Rotary Club members and members of the student Rotaract clubs at both MISD high schools. The garden is being constructed in the natural area back of MHS, which is used by classes to study biology and environmental science.
Glenn Buckley, lead the project for the Rotary Club, said that members of the Native Plant Society selected native pollinator plant varieties for the garden.
Pollinator gardens attract native bees, butterflies and wide variety of other insects that are part of the natural environment. These insects pollinate flowers, vegetable gardens, fruit trees and other plants that support human and animal life. Insecticides and loss of habitat have caused widespread dying off of populations of beneficial insects.
The project was financed through a collaboration of the Magnolia Rotary Club and the Rotary International Foundation, which provides grants through Rotary District 5910 in Southeast Texas. The local club decides on the projects and matches foundation grant money